• written by Luciana September 28, 2015

    We Have a New Layout!

    As you can see, we have a new layout up here, featuring the gorgeous pictures Matt did to DaMan magazine. I am currently working in getting the video archive uploaded, it should be ready to display the AHS videos. Let me know if you find any error on this new layout.

    written by Luciana September 09, 2015

    Moving Servers – again!

    Hello friends!

    Pretty sure you noticed we have several broken images in our website. This is happening because I have to move the site to a new server, again. The previous one added a new system of adcodes (according them, to help paying the server costs) and it was showing up inappropriate/porn advertisements – and for me it was unacceptable.

    I am having to move the site manually to the new server (we’ve around 20gb), and its taking a while, but bare with me while I work on it. All images are safe, just need to be reuploaded.

    I am sorry about that, I feel like the last month all I’m doing is moving the site from a place to another, but hopefully this will be the last time.

    written by Luciana August 12, 2015

    We Have Moved!

    As said below, due circumstances out of my control, Matt Bomer Fan has had to move to another host. The whole website and gallery are up already, but the video archive will have to wait a little bit, while I can reupload everything again.

    All links shall be working but if you see anything that’s not, please let me know here or in our twitter. Updates will come shortly!

    Thanks Gertie and the amazing fan-sites.org for being our host since the first day! We’ll miss you!